
Jewish birthday club

  •  Join the Jewish Birthday Club!

    For Children ages 0-13

    A Jewish birthday is a significant event in your child's life and we want to help remind you when it is and to celebrate it with you!

    1:We will tell you what your child's Jewish birthday is and when the next time it will occur

    2: We will send your child a surprise birthday package to your home!
    One's Jewish birthday is, of course, the date upon which one was born according to the Jewish calendar. 

    The Talmud informs us that on our Jewish birthdays our mazal (good fortune) is dominant.

    The Jewish birthday is the perfect day for reflection about our lives as Jews and is an auspicious time to make new resolutions to perform good deeds and Mitzvot.
    Please note.
    We ask that those who live outside of the following zip codes to please pick up your birthday box. We will notify you time and address when it will be ready for pick up.
    98103, 98107, 98117, 98177, 98133.
    Thank you! 
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