
Scholarship Application

  • Scholarship Application 

    To ensure thorough consideration, please provide us with a comprehensive overview of your financial situation. Scholarships are granted on a sliding scale and are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, we take into account the number of weeks and children you plan to enroll. This information helps us assess your needs accurately.

    Please fill out this form as accurately as possible. If you require any assistance in completing your application, please feel free to email the camp office.

    All applications must be submitted by March 15th.

    All scholarships are handled in a sensitive manner, with absolute confidentiality. You will be contacted with the committee's decision when it becomes available. You must respond to the Camp Gan Israel office before the included deadline in order to accept the scholarship.

    Please contact Rabbi Yoni if you have any questions.

  • Parents

  • Parent 1

  • Parent 2

  • Children

  • Financial

  • Statement of Need:

  • Signature

  • I confirm that all the information contained above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

  • Should be Empty:
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