
Community Dedication

  • Make your mark on the upcoming year! Help us transform each month, season and day into a special occasion.

    You can dedicate a month, season, or special day in the calendar, such as your birthday, anniversary, a Yahrzeit, or a significant milestone, and dedicate that day to someone's memory. We have carefully crafted special dedication packages to help you create a lasting impact on the upcoming year.

    By participating in our Summer fundraising campaign, you will help us transform each day of the upcoming year into a unique and meaningful community occasion.We deeply appreciate your support and value your partnership in building a brighter Jewish future. Together, let us make a lasting impact on our community.

    Thank you for being a part of this important endeavor.

    With gratitude, Rabbi Yoni Levitin, Director Chabad NW Seattle  Dedication opportunities.

    Let us as a community dedicate Simchat Torah -October 7th in loving memory of all those who were murdered in Israel.

    This year, G-d willing we are honored to host our first Simchat Torah celebration as a community at Chabad NW Seattle. As we gather for one of the happiest Jewish holidays, we will never forget the tragedy that occurred on October 7th. In loving memory of all those who were murdered in Israel, we will dedicate this day to their memory as a community. We invite you to join us, participate in this dedication, and continue dancing with pride as Jews, united in strength and resilience.

  • Community Art Calendar dedication form!

  •  Choose a special day in the calendar. Your birthday, your anniversary, a Yahrzeit or milestone and dedicate that day to someone’s memory or honor.
    The price to dedicate one calendar day is $180 

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